Parents with their children in high lobby area.

Facilities as a service

Our way of working is easier

A city belongs to everyone – including those without sufficient resources or abilities to live independently. We provide facilities for people in need of special care, temporarily or permanently. We develop, own and rent facilities where is good to live and learn in all life situations.

Our customers with a need for more comprehensive care include the elderly, people with disabilities, people in mental health rehabilitation, people with memory disorders and people needing shelter from domestic violence.

Facilities are for residents and users, and everyone has the right to be part of an evolving urban society. Modern urbanisation is no longer about work-related migration. Instead, people are moving towards urban centres for good living, a broad range of services and the possibility to belong to various communities.

When we develop facilities, we are also developing cities and towns. A modern city embraces all population groups without prejudice or barriers. The elderly and the young, students, professionals and children are all part of the cityscape, side by side. This is our goal.

We create and maintain nursing homes, early childhood education facilities, service communities, schools, child welfare units and shelters. When Hoivatilat provides the facilities, the service provider can focus on their valuable work – on their customers’ terms.

Our rental model is a service model

Children playing in the building yard, supervised by an adult.

Service communities

Communities are part of life, and we all need a group to belong to. In cities and towns, communities are sometimes narrowly based and limited to a workplace or a hobby, for example. We believe that the more communities people join, the better they feel. Communities where people of different ages and backgrounds can get to know one another are particularly important.

The service communities we design are communities in the heart of the city. They provide a pleasant community-oriented living environment with shops and services, successful business operations, daily customer streams, events and leisure opportunities. Many of our service communities have care homes for the elderly and early childhood education facilities in the same premises, making it easy for users of different ages to get to know each other. Service communities are village-like towns – all services are close by, and there is a strong sense of community, but everyone also has their privacy and peace.